Why Antimatter costs 3000 Trillion dollars?

 After watching the previous video in this series, you might know that earth, planets, stars, solar systems and the entire universe is made up of matter. What we mean by matter is that they are made up of quarks and electrons and rarely muons, tauons and neutrinos. Did you know that there is something called antimatter? We’ll understand about antimatter in this blog.

The universe contains very little antiparticle. It is very rare in the universe and it costs billions and trillions of dollars to buy these. Positron or anti electron costs 25 billions us dollars per gram and antiproton costs 3 quadrillion dollars per gram. Before we learn why it's so rare we’ll understand what these antimatters actually are.

It is similar to matter but has an opposite charge. For example, an antielectron, which is known as a positron, has the same properties as an electron but has opposite charge. Similarly, antiprotons, antimuons, etc., have similar properties as protons and mouns but have opposite charge.

Antimatter is one of the most dangerous things in the universe. When an antimatter and matter come in contact, they annihilate and completely destroy each other leaving nothing behind except light. Just 250g of antimatter and 250g of matter coming in contact, would be enough to destroy the entire Bangalore. Imagine carrying a nuclear bomb in our pocket.

Now let’s understand why it is so expensive. Antimatter is rare in the universe. It exists for only a small amount of time. Antimatter is made by smashing protons to the iridium wall. The antimatter created has too much energy to be useful. So it is stabilized into a useful, low-energy beam. This takes too much complicated equipment and the cost of preparing is very high. It is currently only being produced at CERN. That’s why it’s so costly. 

So, to conclude the blog. Antimatter has similar properties of matter just opposite charge. Not many things about antimatter are known, because it’s life is very small. And studying more about it will be a breakthrough in science.
