Game Review: Akinator

Hello Guys, in this video we are going to review a Game called Akinator. Akinator is a PC game and mobile app by French company Elokence.

So come on guys lets review this game. First of all you have to open your Play Store or App store and search for the name Akinator. Then install it. This game's main agenda is it to guess the name of the character, you are thinking, by asking a series of questions related to it.

Let's challenge Akinator now. For the purpose of reviewing, I will ask it to guess my mom and then the President of America Joe Biden.

As you can see it starts by asking a series of questions. You have to answer according to the character you are thinking about. After few questions, Akinator guesses your character. It was successful in guessing mom.

Let's see whether it's successful now. Again, it guesses Joe Biden just by asking questions. 

So, this is a good game to play with friends. Thank you for reading. Subscribe to our blog. Read previous blog post: Top 5 Browser Extensions
