5 Cool Windows Features

Hi, this is Adventure Tech. This is a post about 5 cool windows features.

1. Clipboard

    You can find all you copied texts and images using this feature. To use this feature Press Windows button and V (Win + V) together. A dialog box appears with all recently copied texts and images. Click on the object you want to paste. 

This feature is enabled by default. To enable this feature, go to Settings - System - Clipboard. Toggle the switch. 

You can also enable Sync across devices, which shares your clipboard with other devices. 

2. Snip & Sketch

You can take screenshot of full screen, a portion of the screen or free-drawn section of a screen. To enable this feature go to Settings - Ease Of Access - Keyboard, then toggle the Print Screen Shortcut switch. Now, you can press Prt Sc Button to take screenshots.

3. Set Different Sound Output Devices for Different Apps

You can listen to one app on headphone and another app using your speaker. You can also set different sound output levels for different devices. To use this feature go to Settings - Ease Of Access - Audio, then click Change the device or app volume, then under the Advanced sound options click App volume and device preferences. Here you can change sound level or sound output device for each app individually.

4. Night Mode

This is a must needed feature. You might have heard blue light does more damage to our eyes. At night, blue light disturbs your sleep cycle, making your body to releases less sleep hormone which makes you feel sleepy. So, blocking it will help you to feel sleepy and helps you to sleep well. You can turn it on in Action Centre. Click on Night light to turn it on. You can set when Night Light should be turned by going to settings. 

5. Virtual Desktops

This is a relatively new feature. In this feature, you can organize your work with different desktops according to your work types, for eg. your office work in one desktop and another personal desktop. To use this feature, Click on the Multitasking button on your taskbar and click on Add Desktop button at the top left corner. Then to switch between tabs you can click on Multitasking button and select which desktop you want. If you are using laptop you can switch by swiping right or left using four fingers.
